Saturday, 29 March 2014


Cover, Spine & Reverse
The art style that I was trying to go for was to keep it very simple and colourful, as I want this book to promote fun cooking I think that having the fun colours on the front and back would make parents pick this up to buy for their children and with the different coloured type.
The type again I want it to be fun and mainly readable for the children, the style I want it to be different on each page so that it makes things different and not all the same, that is why for each part of the title I have used different types.
I hope this style does aim towards children 8+ with the slightly detailed images but fun looking colours and type.
At this point I think that I need to add some doodles and also add more to the reverse, included information about what’s in the book.

Rough colour idea of the two pages spreads

Fancy Fruity Chocolate Bites
The art style that I was trying to incorporate into this double page spread was simple and clean and fancy. I would like to add more hand rendered images either of characters or cooking doodles so that the children will find it fun.
For the title I want to make it fun that is why I used two different types, the rest of the type is simple and plains so that it is readable.
I hope this style does aim towards children 8+ with the slightly detailed images but fun looking colours and type.
For this spread I feel that I can make it fun by adding some doodles and possibly pull out games.  I will not look to change the instructions part as I want it to be straight forward so that it easily read by both child and adult. + add pull outs to show where the ingredients came from!!!!


Easy Cheesy Eggy Bread
The art style that I was going for here was simple and bright. But I think that this spread may be too simple as it has a lot of empty space which I could fill with hand rendered images of fun characters.
I used the same type that I had used for my first example because I really think it works with the images. Again the rest of the type is simple so that it’s readable.
I hope this style does aim towards children 8+ with the slightly detailed images but fun looking colours and type.
I have a lot to improve on at the moment for this spread, because at the moment it is very boring so in order to make it fun for the children I may add some doodles and possibly pull out games.
+ add pull outs to show where the ingredients came from!!!!


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